appropriate playground 놀이터추천 surface for all children


The playground’s surface is the 놀이터추천 코드 deciding factor in how well it functions as an accessible playground. While designing a playground, you can choose from several different surface options, each of which offers a unique set of benefits. And yet, there aren’t a lot of choices if you’re looking for an inclusive playground that kids of varying skill levels can enjoy together.

You should ask the 안전 놀이터추천 following questions in your playground committee:

How much can you spend? Do we have the people power to execute routine maintenance, guaranteeing the surface’s safety? How will we ensure ADA compliance? Do we want children 안전놀이터리스트 of varying abilities to be able to participate in playground activities and make friends with their peers?

To help you answer these questions, I’ve compiled the following materials.

To begin, you CANNOT use dirt, asphalt, grass, or concrete since these materials are NOT up to code.

The other two types of broad surfaces are loose fill and synthetic material. The loose fill material must be raked every day to maintain an appropriate depth for children’s play. It’s also 놀이터추천 목록 important to replace them every year. The lack of this kind of maintenance is a common cause of unsafe playgrounds. Furthermore, loose fill is often tracked into buildings, requiring extra indoor maintenance.

Pea gravel, sandy, and wood chips are all examples of loose fill, however, they do not meet ADA requirements. Nonetheless, the playground can be compliant with the criteria if 토토안전놀이터 paths leading to the play equipment’s entrance point are constructed using different types of surfacing.

But if your playground is taller than 6 feet, pea gravel isn’t an option. In addition, teachers at daycares have warned that children may need to visit a doctor or the emergency department if they get pea gravel stuck in their ears or noses.

When it comes to maintenance is one of the products that require the least attention. If the sand starts blowing around, all you have to do is smooth it out. There are benefits and drawbacks to kids playing in the sand. Cats can use a box filled with sand as a litter box. A shattered bottle buried in the sand will be difficult to unearth.

Contrary to popular belief, wood chips are not compliant with ADA regulations, but engineered wood fiber is. Parents claim they steer their children away from playgrounds 놀이터추천 순위 that use wood chips or wood fiber due to concerns that their children might accidentally consume them.

Some examples of ADA-compliant loose-fill surface materials are engineered wood fiber and shredded rubber. You may use just about any surface for walking trails. Yet permitting a youngster who uses a wheelchair to play on the playground is not the same as complying with ADA regulations. It would be next to impossible to maneuver a wheelchair over either of these surfaces.

One of the benefits of these two surfaces is their low price. They are reasonably priced and ADA-compliant. Because of this, these are the most common kind of surfaces you’ll come upon.

The ADA does not cover all surfaces, however, those made of pour-in-place, rubber mats, tiles, or synthetic grass with a rubber underlay are all usable for children with disabilities. These surfaces are not only easily accessible, but they also have low 메이저 놀이터추천 maintenance requirements. The necessity for regular upkeep is unnecessary to ensure continued security. Sweeping it off or patching up damaged areas may be necessary from time to time, but other than that, there isn’t much work involved.

One disadvantage is the high cost of these finishes. Although they are much more costly than loose-filled surfacing, they are necessary if you want all children to be able to enjoy the playground.

I like synthetic grass. As it looks like real grass, it shouldn’t stand out too much in your park. Because it mimics the feel of real grass, many parents sit on it while their toddlers 실시간 놀이터추천 explore. Nothing like this has ever been seen on any other surface type. Some kids who have problems making the change will sit in the grass for a bit before making the more gradual transfer to the ground-level play equipment.

Due to the soft rubber below, children feel more at ease and are willing to try things that are a little outside their comfort zone. If there is a lot of foot traffic, the grass may sink in a few places and the ground may become uneven. If the dips aren’t too deep, a disabled child can still enjoy the playground. Youngsters are given the chance to hone their balance and motor skills by walking or wheeling around in a natural setting. It can be time-consuming and costly to fix the dips if they get too severe.